SkillProof – Grow Your Skills

Learn skills to improve your Live

Improve yourself

Learn new skills to improve yourself.

Be courious

Explore new movement patterns and be courious

Have fun

Have fun learning new skills and movements

Learn new skills

Choose your personal starting point to get into your next Skill Adventure

woman stretching

By Learning Journeys

Learning journeys help to master a specific skill including exercises, progressions and everything you need to achieve your goal.

By Actitivity

Block patterns are pre-designed block layouts that we can easily insert into their content. These patterns can help to save time and create visually appealing designs. Allows us to create custom themes using the block-based template.

silhouette of people on beach during sunset


Experts from different topics working with us

Calisthenics Bern

Calisthenics Group

Our team organizes training, workshops and sports activities in the Bundesshauptstadt Bern and a healthy outdoor and friendly community in the region. The Calisthenics Training can be found in different places in the city and is organized by a chat group.

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Freestyle Slalom

Inline Freestyle Slalom since 2006

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